+1 276 566 7254


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Open Hand: Weekly and
Seasonal Collections

We make giving easy, download the Givelify app and search for Blackey Baptist Church, make it your favorite. You can also go directly to their website at Givelify.com. You can set up payment plans for tithes or give a one time offering or a donate to a church project. Whatever you decide to do, we really appreciate your gift and wouldn't be here without your generosity. 

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Clothing or FoodDonation

We really hope you can assist us with clothing and food donations so we can help the needy in our community. We want our community to be well-fed and warm and you can make that happen. Contact us at 276-566-7254 for information or join us at church on Sunday or Wednesday. 


We appreciate all donations! May God bless and keep you safe always. 

Want to join us and help? Get in touch with us now!